Friday, July 8, 2005

Starting now..

Since starting the the House of Worship security blog it dawned on me that it might be better to also put together a blog on general security issues. Then the attack in London yesterday made the point a little more clear.

Here we will look at more general security concerns - businesses, schools, transportation, secure storage, networks, and so on... Not the same old technical rehash that hits ever other site, but instead a steady effort of addresses the concepts, foundations and thought-process to make the technical stuff work.

Yes, there is theory behind security. Not many realize it but it's there. Blame it on an industry that grew up under strange circumstances, with lots of different (and often competing) egos, and little thought to ethical goals or metaphysical concern.

So here goes... The foundation for today's organizational security efforts are grounded in the ancient concept of 'self-defense.' This can be traced back to the concept of 'self-preservation' however self-preservation may be used as a justification for aggressive violence which is not the point here - or within a society governed by the rule of law. Self-defense implies that another entity is the aggressor and the 'self' is taking action to thwart that aggression. So an individual is permitted to take action in self-defense. Since organizations within our society are granted many of the rights and obligations of an individual then they two are permitted to use this doctrine of self-defense. There we now have a foundation for our security efforts.

Why is this important you ask? Well, over time we will see some security activities and ideas that are pretty murky in terms of their 'rightness' and having some sort of a foundation provides the ruler to measure it.

But more importantly... It's the foundation for the effort and so a good place to start this blog.


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