Wednesday, October 31, 2018

When Halloween Costumes Cause Problems... After Halloween

Halloween is here and some may choose questionable costume ideas. What happens to their costumes and accessories after Halloween? Well sometimes they end up getting donated - fully intact - cause some serious problems.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

If You're Not Getting Your Hands Dirty When It Matters, Why Not?

Many years ago, a store manager offered me some of his "books" about management. They were little four-inch by three-inch staple-bound pamphlets. There were called something like Horse Sense or some such, but there were pretty cool to read back then - and the big boss was offering wisdom. Short anecdotes, long before our attention spans had dropped as far as today, made for quick learning. He also seemed to have left random paperclips in some of the books. And, that is where I started with a story about General Washington, a corporal, and a cart. I'll never forget it.

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Bathroom is Ticking... You Can't Make This Up

Early in my tenure in one position, my boss walked into his office for our scheduled meeting. He had a serious look on his face when he said, "There is a ticking sound in the men's room." I smiled and said I'd take care of it. So I walked across the hall to the men's room and... yep!